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...a chapter storybook...


T A B L E  of  C O N T E N T S


Chapter One            Old Enough for School

Chapter Two            Sarah’s Dreams & Rememberings

Chapter Three         Sarah’s Dreams Become Clearer

Chapter Four           More Dreams in the Daytime

Chapter Five            Grandpoppy Helps with a Plan

Chapter Six               The Wait

Chapter Seven         Fast Mind, Fast Worker

Chapter Eight          The Project

Chapter Nine           Grandpoppy

Chapter Ten             Auf Wiedersehen, Poppy

Chapter Eleven       David & The Seat-With-Wheels

Chapter Twelve       Sarah & David’s Good Work

Chapter Thirteen    The Real Seat-With-Wheels

Chapter Fourteen   The Presentation


Learning German with Sarah

Author’s Note

About the Author  

About the Cover    

FYI - Resource List -    Read, Write, Learn More About It



Copyright © 2016, 2nd Edition  Linda Lee Ratto

Copyright © 2004  Linda Lee Ratto



All rights reserved. Use of any part of this publication without prior written consent of the author is an infringement of the copyright law.


Bookcover: photo of the painting: “Amish Farm” **

by Martha Elizabeth Linter Wendel

Copyright Ó 2004 David G. Kirchner aka Kirk



**This bookcover is a modest sharing of the spectacular painting, “Amish Farm” by Martha Wendel. We thank David G. Kirchner for allowing this one-time lending of his photo of the work.




by Linda Lee Ratto, Ed.M.




1. Dreams and Reality;

2. Disability—Being Differently-Abled;

3. Death—Coping Skills;

4. Amish Culture, Family, Traditions;

I. Ratto; II. Title: Where Dreams Come True



Reading Level: ages 8up chapterbook;

average newspaper (grade 5 up); 

all ages—especially meant to read aloud.



Power ! Press


USA - UK - Australia - India

          Where Dreams Come True has true-life details such as the smells and feel of wood-working and homemade foods, common in Amish family culture and also in today's homes.  This is an accurate historical fiction, with challenges and struggles surpassed by intelligence and ingenuity  - a very America way of looking at our world !



Chapter Four

 More Dreams in the Daytime


" “Mama, people who do not like me do not hold me nicely. They are not so gentle. They pull my wagon too fast over deep ruts and large rocks making my trip bumpy enough to tumble my stomach. They are gruff and impatient. I know when someone likes me or does not. Marta makes my Wednesdays hard.” Sarah closed her mouth except to sip her chocolate. She knew she better not say anything more. It was not Amish to not love thy neighbor..."


Later in Chapter Four

"...They were almost to the woodshop when Sarah had the gumption to speak again. “Ya.” Sarah was now afraid to tell Grandpoppy her dreams. What if he thinks this idea in my dream to fly is not Amish? “Grandpoppy, I was just wondering.” She was also thinking what good use the two-wheels-and-stick could be to people.


They entered the woodshop behind Grand-mama’s kitchen. Woods and oils tickled Sarah’s nostrils. Grandpoppy brushed sawdust from the seat of the tallest chair and set Sarah on it. “Today, we continue with our sanding. We sand and oil and sand and oil to make the surface so smooth it is like glass, Sarah.”


“Will the chest be done by Mama’s birthday?” Sarah asked.

“August 15th, ya, we think so. We always sand, smooth and oil seven times before we are done. The pine chest will not have a rough edge anywhere by then, mine sweet granddaughter.”  "



Where Dreams Come True has true-life details such as the smells and feel of wood-working and homemade foods, common in Amish family culture and also in today's homes.  This is an accurate historical fiction, with challenges and struggles surpassed by intelligence and ingenuity  - a very America way of looking at our world !



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