3 Curriculum Guidebooks Authors:
Linda, Nancy Lee Ways, Christina Semple,
Co-Directors of SNS Atlanta for years.
Linda's long-time colleague, Peace Musician, James Twyman is a NYTimes Best Selling Author, performing with oil painter, at one of Linda's Children's Retreats
Companion Books
CWG Guidebooks
A whole series of CwG Interactive Guidebooks are "Applications for Life" study-kits-in-books...
Guidebook titles in this SNS series are brimming with original activities and practical applications-for-life following chapter-per-Chapter Conversations with God book series by Neale Donald Walsch.
At last, companion books will make it easy to apply the Conversations with God informative messages in real-life terms! Use these guides in daily self-practice and/or in teaching others. Guidebook activities are easy and fun for adults, yet this info is so simple and delightful that sharing it with others of any age is a natural.
Life is THE curriculum in this eleven-book series, lived in love, joy and wisdom! Each guidebook contains experiences and guidance revealing new ways to think about God and fresh ways to think about education. Inspired and based upon the wildly popular NY Times bestselling Conversations with God books, these guidebooks are playful life guides with discoveries and personal enrichment that you can practice for your continued growth.
You may also easily use any guidebook as a workshop plan for use in your community. Learning, of course, is a lifelong process. We encourage you to think about sharing the multi-sensory experiences in these guidebooks with others in your community by adding your own personal touch to the experience. Expand your own development while sharing the process with others around you. Come, play at balancing "being" and "doing"! Continue your quest with other works via the teams at These special titles are sampled here in this website. Feel free to connect with the authors directly, as well. FYI: The guidebook series was launched from 2007-2009 and are all available via amazon and soon via the Conversations with God Foundation. Enjoy and do please feel free to contact the authors with your feed-forward !
Evolve Yourself + Your Team
with healthy, action-focused coping tools !
Linda has opened, directed and co-lead with many colleagues, dozens of learning communities, systems and schools across the world including in her home area, Atlanta.