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-  Civil Services, LLC 2007-2014   - 

Civil Services brings Nonviolent Communication +


Restorative Systems to Business, Healthcare, School & Community Systems 


 NEWS - Summer 2011


October 2010 - Restorative Circles - Peace Circles 200 Leaders Attend 4 Days with UN supported Brazilian Justice Leader Dominic Barter !


                                                                              See: Training Schedule

                                                      See below: Atlanta News Article about Linda


Over the 4-Day Restorative Circles Overview and Facilitator Practice trainings, Dominic Barter touched hearts and inspired participant leaders to start specific Restorative Circle programs in their businesses, schools, healthcare centers, and justice departments in dozens of staes and countries.


The Restorative Systems method is centered on three parts:

  • PreCircle - Initiated by the Receiver of an Act that has caused harm

  • Circle - Comprised of the Author of the Act, Receiver, and Comunity directly affected by the Act

  • Post-Circle - Follow-up to support Action Plan agreed in the Circle

Restorative Circles and setting-up the system to support them are clear and easy if a community is willing. For a discussion of the potential for your community of bringing Restorative Circles as a way to prevent, pre-empt and move past harm perceived in your businesses, organizations, healthcare centes, offices, schools, communities, nerighborhoods and homes please email .



Dominic leads at International School,Atlanta 


Dominic Barter with Youth Leaders


Public Service Announcement sent across the world:

...For Immediate Release...


At the end of October, Civil Services LLC, in collaboration with Georgia Network for Nonviolent Communication (GaNVC, a 501(c)3 nonprofit) and a host of local and national sponsors and endorsers, present Dominic Barter, founder and international teacher of Restorative Circles (RC) systems and practices.  Certified accreditation for Licensed Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Dispute Resolution Neutrals from the Office of Dispute Resolution and CLEs for attorneys and judges available. Certificates of Completion for all participants as well. We welcome those who desire to learn and practice what each of us truly desires: how to be heard. We are offering two programs which build on the other: Thurs, Oct 28: RC Overview plus Fri-Sun,Oct 29-31: More RC Info and RC Facilitator Practice. During October 28-31, you can learn a highly effective tool for:addressing conflict and differences, handling situations where harm is perceived, dealing with communication breakdowns, restoring relationship when challenges occur, & assuring that every voice is heard. Register through Civil Services.  Civil Services LLC assists you in achieving your vision through intentional engagement by providing group and one-on-one training and coaching.


MORE INFO on October 2010 Leadership Training Team:


Dominic Barter   began developing restorative practices in the 90’s, inspired by the social complexity of Rio de Janeiro, his adopted home, and his study with Marshall Rosenberg in Nonviolent Communication. Since 2004 he has been the training program director and consultant to the Brazilian Justice Department’s Restorative Justice pilot projects, in collaboration with the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, as well as the Special Secretariat for Human Rights and State Secretaries for Education in Brazil. In 2008 Dominic was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Restorative Practices.



The Civil Services  team can help you design a Restorative Program that addresses your groups' needs. We can train and support Restorative Circle facilitators within your group until they experience the comfort and skill to provide sustainable support. Your group can then address discord and differences in a way that makes

seeking restoration preferable to harboring hurt and resentment.  We can help you help yourselves.




Restorative Systems Overview & Background Info...


Giving Kids a Clean Slate   --                                                                    Restoration Circles Shift Paradigm from Punishment to Change                                       

by Mary Dehner


ATLANTA (OCTOBER 2010) — When kids get expelled from school, they are labeled for years in the system and may turn to drugs and alcohol because no one is listening,  according to a former Fayetteville teacher who says Restorative Circles that heal conflicts may change school expulsion forever.

Linda Lee Ratto, who wrote We Catch Them Falling on preventing school expulsion, is promoting a city-wide effort to teach a new means for resolving conflicts that has revolutionized the Brazilian justice system by bringing the offending child and all involved into a series of meetings to listen to the feelings and needs of each person.


Restoration Circles  “restore” the damage done by healing the conflict and have shown impressive results.  According to a UK study,  in areas of crime-ridden Brazilian cities where the Circles were taught, the Courts saw a 98 percent drop in the number of juvenile cases. The conflict resolution resulted in complete resolution in 95 percent of the cases.

Dominic Barter, an international communication innovator who developed the method in 2004 with a grant from the United Nations Education Fund, will be in Decatur, Georgia (Metro Atlanta) October 28-31 to teach young people, justice officials, teachers, and administrators how to facilitate Restoration Circles.  Local organizers say it can simplify administrators’ jobs and keep children from becoming violent or drug-addicted when they feel all is hopeless.

“My interest was to prevent children from being expelled and to make sure students don’t go to the court system.” Ratto said. “I’m very interested in prevention of violence.  Anger festers when we don’t evaporate it, and it causes larger wounds often for years or even decades. “

She said by giving young people tools on how to deal with conflict and change that are practical and can be used everyday, even brothers’ and sisters’ squabbles can calm down as they collaborate on an action plan and listen to each others’ feelings and needs. “Every human being wants to be heard, when you are skipped over, you are like a cat in a cage screaming to get out.”


The Georgia Network for Nonviolent Communication and Civil Services LLC are co-sponsoring the training event which will be at the Maloof Auditorium, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur 30030. 


Article Author, Mary Dehner, is a freelance writer and former communication lecturer at Clemson University and the University of Georgia. Linda Lee Ratto, EdM is a Civil Services LLC partner, leadership consultant, and former private school principal. She and her husband of 35 years have resided in Fayette County with their three children for over 20 years where she was a public school teacher. She is the author of 15 books.  See further details:















Mark Feinknopf and Cynthia Moe were partners in Civil Services, LLC with Linda

See Linda's entire book on a stellar 2nd chance Youth Program...
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