Multiple Intelligences Leader Workshops
Multiple Intelligences Workshop Content Overview
by Linda Lee Ratto, EdM
(Contact LLR for short MI Video Clip by Linda Lee Ratto)
Seven Multiple Intelligences™
Definitions via Linda Lee Ratto’s “SuperSmarts™” -- State Approved Professional Development Course
In observing children or adult behavior, one can see often easily, especially when specifically tasked in noticing and reflecting, that certain key gifts and preferred ways of solving problems and creating things are patterns in any person. In learning settings - work, educational and play -- it is highly practical and beneficial to the students' lifelong learning success and the circles or teams in which we work, to note, share and use the following:
Definition of intelligence: the ability to solve problems or fashion products; approach to a situation in which a goal is to be obtained and to locate an appropriate route to that goal
Strengths – Preferred ways of approaching and successfully accomplishing tasks, problems and creative projects
Lesser Strengths – Least preferred, not observed was of approaching tasks, problems and inventing/creating projects; typically labeled: disability or deficiency
Multiple Intelligences List, original 7 © Howard Gardner, PhD,Harvard University and Project Zero
Musical – excellent perceiver and producer of music
Bodily-Kinesthetic – ability to use one's body to express emotion (dance), to play a game (sport) and/or create an invention/product
Logical-Mathematical – process of problem is often remarkably rapid; solutions understood before shared or worked out physically; the scientific method is easily understood and used internally
Linguistic – Language understanding and use
Spatial – ease in navigating physically and use of space as in maps, visual arts; visualizing an object seen from a different angle and also playing games such as chess
Interpersonal - understands and works effectively with others
Intrapersonal – has an effective inner model of self; understands and works effectively with self
Emotional Intelligence – balances thinking with feelings
From Emotional Intelligence © by Daniel Goleman, PhD
© Linda Lee Ratto, EdM / SuperSmarts ™
State Certified Workshop Overview:
SuperSmartsâ„¢ ~ Keys to Unlocking Intelligences
In fulfilling the ADA Laws, naming and utilizing the Multiple Intelligences (MIs) plus Emotional Intelligence (EI) in school-age students, for the last 25 years, has proven to be a highly practical and effective way to boost learning, self-esteem and building skills in children throughout the world. Identifying children's strengths and their lesser strengths (disabilities), then matching these with others' intelligences boosts the learning levels and cooperation of all in the learning setting, both children and their adult leaders. This course begins the process of understanding and using the MI+EI in the after school program and/or public/private school classroom. (See the 25 year classic educational material on Multiple Intelligences:, and Emotional Intelligence:
by the
Georgia Early Care and Education Professional Development System - Registry & Training Approval
The Georgia Center for Continuing Education
1197 South Lumpkin Street, Suite 150 - Athens, GA 30602-3603
Trainer Name: LINDA LEE RATTO, EdM
Trainer Code: TR-BFTS - 4538
Training Type: Face-to-Face, Interactive Workshop format (Teleclasses + Online Available)
A. TITLE: SuperSmartsâ„¢ ~ Keys to Unlocking Intelligences
B. CLOCK HOURS: 2 hours
C. DESCRIPTION: Multiple Intelligences* and EMotional Intelligence are used to lead participants into identifying their own,
and their students' strengths and lesser strengths (disabilities) culminating in developing 1-2 lesson activity plans.
* 25 year Lifework of Harvard Prof. Howard Gardner, PhD: "Multiple Intelligences (MI)"
** Lifework of Daniel Goleman, PhD: "Emotional Intelligence (EI)"
D. TARGET AUDIENCE LEVEL: Beginning Level training for:
1) after school caregivers
2) classroom teachers and
3) private or public school administrators
E. TRAINING FOCI: Leaders, Teachers, and Administrators of School Age or Adults in:
Center/Classroom/After School Settings
Children ages 4-6
Children ages 7-9
Youth ages 10+
Special Needs
College & Professional Adults
F. COMPETENCY GOAL, State of Georgia:
Beginning (Beg) Level Content, ECE 6 and SAC 6:
To ensure a well-run, purposeful program responsive to each individual child's needs.
G. Price: $195 per person; staff groups and teacher team group rates available; outside Metro Atlanta travel & lodging added; class size 10-20H. Location: Your school or learning program location
I. To Reserve: Contact Linda to reserve a date:
State of Georgia
ECE 6 and SAC 6: To ensure a well-run, purposeful program responsive to each individual's needs.
SuperSmartsâ„¢ Course has 4 Learning Objectives for Beginning Level Leadership Training:
Objective 1 - The participants will identify the 7 + 1 Intelligences.
Objective 2 - Participants will identify key characteristics of strong abilities and lesser strengths via the Multiple Intelligences List.
Objective 3 – The participants will list one (1) strong ability and one (1) lesser strength or disability for themselves and match their MIs with each of their learners.
Obective 4 - The participants will plan two 2 different class activities utilizing children's intelligences together, matching strengths with lesser strengths.
SuperSmarts™ by Linda Lee Ratto, EdM
2 Texts, included in the workshop price:
Gardner, Howard, PhD (2006, 1993). Multiple Intelligences™: The Theory in Practice and revised 2006: Multiple Intelligences™: New Horizons. BasicBooks: Perseus Books, LLC,
Ratto, Linda Lee, EdM (2004, 1990-91). (dis) ABILITY – 2-Volumes: Being Disabled + Having a Brother or Sister with a Disability. Atlanta, GA/New York,NY: Power Press (2004), Rosen Publishing: (1990-91)
Additional Resource Books:
Goleman, Daniel, PhD (1997). Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. NY:NY: Bantam Books
Spady, Wm. G, PhD (2002) Total Leaders. Lanham, MDL Scarecrow Press, Inc / Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
HeartLight Education (2005, rev: 2006) HeartLight Steps Manual/, revised: SNS Steps Manual, "Personal Profile". Atlanta: SNS Press.
Website Resources (Course Detail has specific webpages for articles):
- Keywords: 'Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligences and Disabilities'
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