What God Wants ~
Companion Guidebook
By Kristin L. Stewart, PhD
"There is one thing you will notice in all of this discussion about What God Wants...you are the center of all of it."
~What God Wants, (page 205)
This guidebook was written to show others that—as far as our understanding (or confusion) of God goes—most of us have had it all wrong! With simple lessons and exercises of discovery, we delve into experiencing what God really wants. Old paradigms die hard— our path of learning here provides a clear and exciting path to a new understanding about humanity’s biggest question. Join me now, as we work, play, explore, and discover What God Wants in this exciting and personal guidebook.
by Linda Lee Ratto, EdM and Alex Obed, MA
Book Summary:
Happier Than God,
The Unspoken Truth that Will Change Your Life
In today’s drama-whirling, sound-bite news world, we seldom are presented with good news. The author reveals countless reasons why we have the innate right and talent to be happy, to be all that we can be, to be “the next grandest version of the greatest vision of our selves,” as Neale Donald Walsch has stated in hisConversations with God books. Live large. Dream your wildest, color-rich
dreams. Decide to be happy now.
“You can be happier than God…There’s a formula by which you can be this. It’s become sort of a ‘mystery formula’ because very few people are talking about it.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch, author of Happier Than God, Chapter One
Neale Founded the School of the New Spirituality
The School of the New Spirituality’s curricula and programs promote, empower and enable love – love of God, love of self, family, friends, and community (local to global). Developing a co-creative relationship with God is key to a satisfying, loving inner peace that can unveil huge happiness! And I believe that inner harmony actually shifts the world to a different energy level. Any personal peace moment is a fundamental building block to world peace. God-love, Self-love and peaceful kindness to all, lead to a deep compassion and multi-faceted understanding of our humanity, our commonalities with others, and our ONEness as spiritual beings in human form.
Anne-Marie Barbier - Milles Petales Yoga Institute
Training the Trainer & Leaders in English and French
Certified Chopra Instructor ~ English-French Translator
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My new book - Mon dernier livre au Francais
Le Guide de Conversations avec Dieu
Le guide de conversations avec dieu Des millions de gens à travers le monde ont lu les trois volumes de Conversations avec Dieu, des ouvrages où les questions les plus essentielles sont abordées avec une sagesse profonde : Dieu, l'amour, la souffrance, les relations, le bien et le mal... Voici aujourd'hui le livre compagnon de tous ceux qui ont aimé Conversations avec Dieu et qui souhaitent renforcer leur dialogue personnel avec Dieu. Grâce à des enseignements psycho-spirituels et des exercices pratiques, ce guide lumineux vous aidera à découvrir le sens de votre existence et enrichira votre vie intérieure. Disponible dans votre librairie. Pour trouver la librairie la plus proche de chez vous, cliquez ici.
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Tomorrow's God Companion Guidebook
By Christina Semple
Tomorrow’s God is a modern twist on an old idea-- the idea of God. Neale Donald Walsch has a conversation with God and, within this deeply profound talk, God tells us what we, our world, and our future are eternally all about. Tomorrow’s God looks candidly at our previous ideas, conceptions and perceptions of God and the effect they have on our current state of affairs. The second part of Neale's book and also this guidebook deals with the marvelous impact expanding those ideas will have on all of humanity.
This guidebook is created in the hope that its activities and components will allow each one of you to experience, challenge, and expand your own personal ideas about yesterday’s God. Why not try to reveal the power you have in creating a peaceful, healthy, and abundant world, not only for yourself, but all the souls with whom you share this planet, the power in co-develop a new way of looking at Tomorrow’s God .
“All great truths begin as blasphemy. The time to challenge your most sacred beliefs is at hand. If you don’t challenge your own beliefs soon, your beliefs are going to challenge you. This book is meant to be challenging. This book is meant to save the world” ~ Neale Donald Walsch from Tomorrow’s God text, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge
Note from the Author:
Over the past few years, I have come across many teachers, many texts, and many doctrines about God. I have found, lost, and found my faith again, only to be left feeling like something was amiss, missing, and diluted. Some contradicted others, some denounced others altogether, and some came just short of being the one, perfect truth. But, after reading Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge, my years of learning began to come together. It became clear to me, sometimes painfully, sometimes joyously, that everything I had learned was relevant, special, and powerful in its own way, and that the missing link rested in my view of a separate God. Once I began the journey toward critically viewing my own, private ideas, I was able to openheartedly appreciate and incorporate various texts that called for a ONEness of all humanity and a healing of our planet, the first one being Tomorrow’s God .
~ Christina Semple

Linda with Christina Semple, 1 of 14 Guidebook Authors who wrote for Neale Donald Walsch's schools and curriculum.